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Pixy Play

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The Pixy Play
By Laura Frechette

There is a wooded called filled with oak sycamore and pine.
The ferns and fallen leaves cover the ground as frost covers all in the area.

A small stream caresses the curves of the valley.
If followed, it joins the river and on the way down to the constant rush of water
the remnants of a flood remains.

An older pine is ravages.
The roots are pulled fromt the earth and the split trunk and branches
rest just behind its stump.

At first it seems like nothing more than an old fallen tree.
But as the sun sets whispers begin to rise from shadows.
The fireflies begin to collect and hover aroung the branches and alcoves
Created by the water’s wll to make nature into a theatre.

“Gather round ye pixy folk,” a little man’s voice calls.
“Ye beasts and feathered friends in the trees, come and join us for a time.
There’s a riddle to be solved and a story to unwind.”

So birds and chipmunks, squirrels and insets make their way to the open aired theatre.
Even the guardian pixies come forth into view and take rest as the moon begins to rise.
From behind the raised bark of the tree stump little lights begin to appear
And to applause or boos they play their parts and tell their night time tales.

But for us the light is dizzying,  and the night is our time for rest.
And before you know what has happened, you are drifting into a dream
With the sound of distant voices in your head.
When you awake the sun is ready to rise above the horizon.
You gather yourself and embrace the cold morning for your trek back to your man made world.
But as yoiur depart, just for an instantm you hear a little man say,
“We are here every night. Not to worry. You will get to see our play.”

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